The endless darkness of our future

Världens lidande  kan ses i blodrött hav, djupt ner i dess mest outhärdliga form, om tystnaden får råda. Ljudlöst försvinner livets syster vid strandens såriga kant- höstens utslagna lotus sjunker sakta till botten, när dimmorna dansar sin sista vals. I andetagets mellanrum finns friheten att känna smärtan;  under vattnets spelgelblanka yta, så stilla, under kokande väntan. Mörkret vid tidens oändlighet når in till ljusets vila.... en stund.
The world of suffering, blood red sea, deep in its most unbearable form. A silently disappearing sister of life at the beach's ulcerated edge. A lotus , excluded by autumn, slowly sinks to the bottom, as the fog goes on dancing his last stand. In the spirit's grasped spacing is freedom to feel pain; the glassy water's surface is quiet and still waiting for a boiling that is pending. The darkness of the future endlessly reaches out to light everything... for a while. /Ingela
Kategori: Life, Poetry; Taggar: Ingela Axkrants, life poetry, poem, poetry, soul,;
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