My boho bathroom

The bathroom is for me the most important room in a house. If I feel good in my bathroom then half of the job is done with creating a lovely home. Anyway I have lately not given my beauty room as much attention as it deserves… But today I just took a few hours to clean, fix and style it to make me feel homy in my bathroom again.
Here are my top three styling tips for a bohemian but chic bathroom:
1. Sort out
Don´t cheat, go through everything you have in your bathroom and ask yourself if you really want this in here? If not give it away or store somewhere where it fits better.
2. Clean
Wipe of everything. Yes, also the cupboards from the inside and the walls. Also cleaning the windows and lamps make a big difference in how the light comes in. Use organic cleaning material that makes you feel good and smells fresh. I like Ecover for example.
3. Style
I love to have a lot of textiles, plants and art in my beauty room but that is really a taste thing. Ask yourself what you would like in your bathroom to make it more cozy. You can afford to think outside the box here, there are more things than normal bathroom rugs and candles you can decorate with. Walk through your house and collect things you feel might fit in.
And now don't forget to enjoy! Take a hot bath when the kids are sleeping or all your work is done and just enjoy yourself. Cliché but – your worth it!
/ Mia
Vad fint! Precis ett sånt där badrumsskåp och knopphängare hade jag i mitt 70-talsradhus!